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Sunday, January 02, 2005


I feel like such a nutcase...I am super obsessed with Kevin Spacey as Bobby Darin in Beyond the Sea. But...I don't know if it's Bobby Darin or Kevin Spacey that I'm obsessing about now. I've seriously been listening to the CD too many times today. It wasn't the movie that was so spectacular (sorry, Kevin) but it was his singing and performance as Darin that was just so...amazing! (I seem to like that word a lot, and I also seem to be babbling a lot these days about nothing in particular.) I mean, I think I would even go see the film again, just to experience what feels like a full blown MGM style musical in the theater again. I loved the volume and the fullness of Darin's music and Kevin Spacey pulled off the singing and dancing with such ease and poise --it was really a great performance. I hope he wins the Golden Globe...and I hope I get to see him...he's pretty cool.


Anonymous said...

Get the DVD "Mack is Back," which has Bobby Darin's best taped performance (that I'm aware of). That should tell you if you're obsessed w Darin or Spacey. I'd suspect it's Darin, who was the consumate showman. The greatest...

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