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Sunday, February 24, 2002


Ok, so I don't usually get too excited when I meet a celebrity...except when that celebrity is John Williams!!!! Yes, the same film score composer John Williams who scored films like: Star Wars, E.T., Superman, Jaws and the score that means a lot to me, Schindler's List. It was Mr. Williams score from Schindler's List that got me through my 4 years of college. There's something about that score that really inspires me...and whenever it came down to writing my many papers for class, it was the Schindler's List score that got me through it all.

So Dave (who is a huge fan of Mr. Williams ) gave me a call Friday night and mentioned that John Williams and Yo-Yo Ma were going to be doing an in-store signing at (of all places) Cost-co in Marina Del Rey on Saturday and would I like to go (well, of course I would!) Of all places to do an in-store signing, Cost-co would be the last place I'd think of. Anyways, so we drove out Saturday morning (yeah, we left at 9:30 to get there by 10:30...note, the signing wasn't until 2:30 that afternoon!!!! Pure insanity. We just didn't want to get there and be waiting at the tail end of the line to be turned away). We took our place in line (we were like the 4th ones there) and stood...for 4 hours. Let me tell you, it was definitely an experience...and ultimately a good one. I've never done anything like this before, but the wait was well worth it. After all, it's John Williams!

It was very interesting to people watch in Cost-co...and I did plenty of that. I perused the aisles, back and forth and forth and back. Since I hadn't been to a Cost-co in awhile, I shopped to make sure I didn't need any 9 gallon jugs of shampoo, or a 12 pound vat of marinara sauce, and all the other things one associates with when they go to Cost-co (which happily, I didn't need any of). When I came back from my perusing, I found the Cost-co shoppers asking what was going on at the store that afternoon. It didn't help them to see the big signs publicizing the event...apparently reading is too much to ask I guess. I inwardly chuckled (and was also shocked) when people asked who John Williams was...and when 1 man commented how much he loved Yo-Yo Ma and that he anticipates her concerts every year. And there were definitely some film music "enthusiasts"...the kind I used to encounter when I worked at a certain company. They were very passionate about their love of Star Wars, John Williams etc. But it's cool...I totally understand obsession! :)

When Mr. Williams showed up promptly at 2:30, everyone cheered and applauded then sang "Happy Birthday" to him. Can you believe he did an in-store signing on his birthday? What a guy. While waiting for my turn in line, my hands began to get clammy and I got butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't believe that I was nervous...but, it was John Williams and Yo-Yo Ma (who wasn't bad looking either!) I got a few CDs signed and Dave got his sketch book signed by both as well as his own CDs. Pretty exciting.

All in all, a pretty fun day I must say!


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