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Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Man, when it rains, it POURS! So the job market doesn't look quite as hopeless as it did last month. I don't want to jinx anything, so that is all I will say right now.

In other news...

I'm almost done with my first knitting venture...and I'm going to give it to my mom for her birthday I think. Ok, so it's CA, and it's not like it's going to get that cold in the coming months, but I think a scarf made from the heart means more than another pair of earrings, right? Right!

Tuesday, March 26, 2002

The Oscar ceremony was sooooooo long! I felt like I was sitting there for 5 hours! Well gee, it was just about that. I will write more about the Oscars later. Right now, I have to tell everyone what a catastrophe my computer is. I have an interview tomorrow (yes, for a job, can you believe it???) and I need to print extra copies of my resume and the job description courtesy of the recruiter. Yet, today, my computer decides to be more difficult than it's ever been.

I turn it on, it tells me I am missing .dll files, and to run System Works, so I do. After I do it tells me I have hard drive problems, so I should reinstall Norton System Works. I do. But if that isn't enough, because my computer is missing those .dll files (whatever the heck they are) I can't reinstall System Works thus not able to repair my computer. I have been sitting here since 6:30 PM (it is now approaching midnight) and still, I can't fix the problem. I talked to my father, a computer expert and he can't figure out what's wrong either (of course I'm writing the extremely abbreviated version right now). So because of the problem, I am not able to print out anything. With my luck, Kinko's will have a printing issue or be backed up for like 5 hours when I go there in the morning. Ugh.

I'm exhausted. I need rest. I think I need more rest than the average person. But I also think this is because I am not the most patient person in the world, thus tiring me quickly. I feel like I've been in my car more than anywhere else it seems these days. So I'm going to sleep prep for my interview tomorrow. What the heck am I saying????

Hmmm, it seems I can't write in coherent sentences much less speak in them these days. Please pardon me.

Sunday, March 24, 2002

Happy Oscar Day everyone...what are your predictions???

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

The novelty has worn off folks. No longer am I thinking unemployment is the best thing ever. Maybe I'm a lazy bum and don't have a real desire to work again, but the not shopping part is killing me! Ok, the not shopping and the feeling useless part. Today, I went online as I do everyday to look for jobs and as usual, there was nothing for me. Not a shocker there. I began to wonder if there will ever be anything out there that suits me. Who knows. So in order to make myself feel a little better, I decided to go to the mall and buy a cheap lip gloss at Sephora since that usually makes me feel better. Alas, all the lip glosees I wanted were like $24! So, no lipgloss for this girl. I began to think, "gee, this is depressing." But then, I realized that there were a lot of things about today that were depressing. And I no longer wanted to use that word...I think it's overused. And the fact that there weren't any job postings and the lipglosses were all a fortune wasn't depressing it was just disappointing, upsetting, bothersome etc. I had this conversation with Jody tonight and we decided that we would stop using the word "depressing" and start using something else, like melancholy or low or something other than depressing. Ha ha...

Here's the other thing I've noticed (this adds to my argument that I think I need a job)....I feel like I have nothing to say anymore and my communication skills are slowly falling apart. One would think I'd have something to say (after all, I have this frigging blog), but in normal everyday conversation, I'm at a loss. My life revolves around taking Miss Cookie for walks, working out, watching Days of Our Lives, knitting, looking for jobs online, TV... and that's I mean, I do socialize often...but I feel like I have nothing to report that is terribly interesting other than the above. Sad, pathetic, awful. And also since I don't feel like I use my brain that often, I feel that as a muscle, it's starting to turn into mush. I was having a conversation today and couldn't think of the word, labor! Now that's's only 2 syllables! **sigh**

So I'm admitting it...I need a job...I need to support my shopping addiction (and trust me, there's plenty out there that I need to buy).

Monday, March 04, 2002

I have turned into a knitting machine! I do it every chance I have now...I think I'm addicted (although not as much as I am to iced tea). Ha ha. **Ahem** Yes, so I knit whenever I can...when I wake up, when I'm sitting around at home, before I go to sleep. It's out of control! I sat at home most of this afternoon knitting. It's restful actually. It was such a nice day today though, that I wanted to be out, but found that when I sat down to knit (I told myself I'd only do it for 10 minutes) I couldn't get up...and when I finally decided that I needed to stop, 3 hours had gone by! Can you believe that?! I wish I could knit and read at the same time...cos I really need to catch up on my reading, I have stacks of books that I haven't been able to get to. But alas, I'm not that talented and cannot both read and knit at the same time. Darn.

Before my knitting marathon-extravaganza, I did have time to go to my local Borders Books to't-have-the-patience-to-sit-down-and-read. Hmmm, yeah, so that sounded completely rediculous. It's odd that I have the patience to knit, but not to read. We won't go there, will we? No, we won't. So as I was saying...I went to Borders since I had a gift card to redeem. I had every intention of getting books, but then I wandered upstairs. Yes, upstairs where evil (AKA CDs) lives...a place where I have a tendency to want to spend all of my non-money. Starring me in the face was Linda Eder's new album, Gold. Working in "the biz" I used to have connections that would allow me to be on mailing lists and get free stuff (like Gold...but now that I'm unemployed I no longer get such privileges). Well, since I had my gift card, I felt I had to get the album...after all I had nothing to loose.

So I have almost all of Linda Eder's albums...yes, a guilty pleasure I guess. I'm not one of those die-hard Frank Wildhorn fans, nor am I anti-Wildhorn (ok, so everyone knows that Linda Eder's husband is Frank Wildhorn, right? And it seems all of her albums contain virtually all of her husband's work. Ok, I had to clarify for those of you who aren't in the know). Some of his work is pleasant to listen to, and some of it...not so good (but in no way am I a snob to his work either). So I get in my car and pop the CD in, and the opening track is "Here Comes the Sun." Not bad. I realize that the album isn't strictly filled with work of her husband's, but other well known songs like, "Son of a Preacher Man" and "We're All Alone." Not bad. I think this is the best album Linda Eder has released. Of course there is some of Frank Wildhorn's work, but some of those I actually like too.

The real test for me is how long I leave a CD in my car. If I really like it, it will make it's way into my CD wallet thingy. I seem to only rotate the CDs in that thing every 3-4 months (there are like 7-8 CDs in that thing, so it lasts me awhile). I usually like to have music I can actually sing to, since I really like to sing (loudly) while driving. I have had Alice Ripley's album, Everything's Fine in my car since it arrived in the mail months ago. Yeah, by now I'm just a little tired of it, but it took quite awhile for me to get to that point.

My next purchases? In junior high, Debbie (now DEBORAH) Gibson was my hero. I admired her youth, her gave me hope. Hope for what you ask? Yeah, well when I was young, I always wanted to sing professionally. Pop, Broadway...yeah, that was my dream. It's funny that I never did anything to fulfill that dream until I was 19 (but those voice lessons were a summer vacation thing from college...but for only 1 summer). Anyways...soon, I have to buy on CD, Out of the Blue and Electric Youth. Ha ha, I can't wait!
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